please empty your brain below

2c) 212

How do I know?

valid are years 01-99 (there is no multiplies in 00)

Number of multiplies date in each month can be calculated as:

min (number\\_of\\_days, integer(99/month))

29/02/58 doesn't exist so we can approximate february with 28-day february

31 in january
28 in february
31 in march
24 in april
19 in may
16 in jun
14 in july
12 in august
11 in september
9 in october
9 in november
8 in december

212 in total

2a) Last multiply date 01/05/2005, I think?

Spot on, both of you.

And congratulations Sekula - I thought that was the toughest question of the lot

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