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Your motley skips at Bow Creek looked rather like colourful beach huts until I looked closer...
Very enjoyable stroll, without needing to get out the chair, thanks DG!

Thank you Mr Geezer. I really enjoyed your walk. I can't see 'Fatwalk' sticking either. 'Fat Boy Walk' yes - at least you know there's something good at the end of it.

Great Local History Month DG, found it absolutely fascinating, and actually might even walk some of it one day! And I'd have added to your figures for Saturday excepth the son got engaged & we had to meet the in-laws. I read double on Sunday though!
Thanks for a really enjoyable trip along the Lea.


Congratulations DG for an inspired, entertaining and informative series of posts. Brilliant work.

Your viewing figures may have gone down this month but I really enjoyed this series - thanks!

Enjoyed it all, many thanks.

Luved the whole trip... chock full of charming historical tidbits.

Thanks for another great cyber-trip.

Great read this month - really enjoyed it and learnt lots too.

Wonderful series of posts, about an area I knew virtually nothing about! Can't wait to see where you're off to next year now!

Your London "summer specials" are always great and the Lea has been as good as the Fleet which I still think is one of your best series of posts on London.
Thanks DG

Another well researched fascinating local history month draws to a close on my favourite blog. Thanks DG.

A great series of posts

But hey, you would've been welcome to have included the fish picture I sent, as an illustration of the condition of the water.

Oh well - I won't carp on about it

I don't really have anything constructive to add, but just wanted to repeat what the others are saying. This has been an excellent series.Many thanks for sharing.

I think there's a certain odd charm about 'the Fatwalk'. Given the ire it might cause, the first five letters seem appropriate.


Things might be a bit quiet on the Leamouth Penninsular, but it'll be much busier when Crossrail kicks off. The plan here is to try and remove as much spoil from the tunnels and take away in barges.

Great bit of local history reporting btw. Cheers!

Great series! Many thanks.

Fatwa-lk, what are they thinking of? the large Muslim population in the area will be sure they're taking the piss. But you can't tell a marketing man he's wrong, look at the howls of derision that greeted the 2012 logo but they're sticking with it.

A great article. I was working around there for a wile and used to take walks during my lunch break. I came away with some great photos too!

Thanks DG; interesting as always and some great photos.

Looking forward to shaking my little tush on the Fatwalk (he he)

Don't start

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