please empty your brain below

Hee hee The stop-motion animated film is one of my favourites, but it may take on a sinister aspect now.

Oh, and wouldn't Gordon Brown make a good Badger?

I say jolly D what?

Very good!

I hope we can expect another episode tomorrow - in the interests of fair and unbiased coverage of course.

The Wind In The Willows was also, of course, a huge nostalgia-fuelled rant against the expanded democratic franchise and the Liberal victory of 1906...*

*I say this having read it precisely yesterday.

Don't anticipate.

Mind you, the thought of You-Know-Who in washerwoman drag is mildly entertaining - if you can bear the thought of Boris's Twanky.

I should think Gordy is beginning to feel a little badgered by now.

Love your parody. Pity some of it may be too true to be properly funny though.

Actually, I have heard that Toyota are bringing out a new hybrid car called The Boris - it runs on hot air and manure.

Ah, the beauty of parody! In fact, I think Boris doesn't just act like Toad, but also looks a little bit like him.

Perhaps tomorrow you could do a spot the difference competition...

Oh yes, Toad's song - why are the bankers shooting the foxhunters?

Now look what you've done. I've got the most awful mental picture in my head of miniature Boris/toad hybrid. Not pretty.

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