please empty your brain below

Is it just me or does the blue one seem to have wet his/her/its pants?

A single central eye carries a lot of sinister connotations.

Too much like Sonic the Hedgehog for me. Or an extracted tooth. But I like the swirly oil spill/rainbow effect – apt given the state of affairs in the Gulf of Mexico perhaps.

Talking of rainbows, it is not physically impossible to have a rainbow at night. If there is a full moon, the right conditions can create a moonbow – otherwise known as a lunar or white rainbow. Very rare though.

In these dark days- we need your humour. Thanks

Im quickly going off your blog. Its all very cynical. When are you going to write a happy post???

Teletubbies gone chrome, DG. A very... unusual design.

Oh, the Olympic Committee are being serious are they?!! Great post DG.

"We were created from the last two drops of British steel" How very appropriate for two redundant characters (and a perfect phrase out of context)

"nobody'll notice two less cameras"

Fewer cameras, DG, fewer.

Yes I know you get sick of pedants banging on about that.

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