please empty your brain below

You missed my blog off the list :( (blogroll is under the advertising on the far right of the home page)
Any more I've missed?
You're on my blogroll! I last wrote a post on 6th July, and hopefully there'll be another one up next week. :)
You are on my blog roll - it's in the sidebar on the right side (look under My Blog List)
You're on my blogroll too, down the right hand side (a little ways down).Its interesting to read that you think the trend for blogging is going downward. I'm only fairly new to it myself but I feel like everyone I come across on twitter has a blog as well!
Long live old school blogging!
My blog roll is nothing more than a handy way to store the blogs I like to look at and see when they've added new content - dg's is the only one that doesn't automatically move itself to the top of the list with each new post, but as you post regular as clockwork, that doesn't really matter. Interesting though - is it deliberate?
Thanks DG - it's always a fascinating list. While the quantity of blogs may be less I do think that the quality of many of the ones that remain is incredibly high.
Thanks for the extras. I've added three.

(but taken the tough decision, sorry Silent Hunter, that your blogroll is too well hidden to be properly "on the main page". New modern templates, eh?).

Any more?
I think blogging is not so much declining as professionalising. There are fewer people dabbling in it and those that remain are either more focused or actually doing it as a job for an organisation. The casual bloggers are probably all on facebook or twitter.

I use my blogroll less and less, but I get annoyed with bloggers who don't have one. Share the love, guys
I've never used a blogroll, I'm afraid, for the simple reason that it would be so very long. But I do quite often give a link to someone's blog in a post, which also explains why I recommend it. And if someone leaves a comment, I visit their blog and leave one in return and usually add them to my feedreader - which, in addition to the good blogs I find myself, shows why my blogroll would be so extensive. The only one I've deleted recently was a once-good blog that now is just a commercial thing - good luck to him, but there's nothing for me there any more.
I agree with Whiff. Quality over quantity.
Sad to see the numbers diminishing... there's nothing quite like a good blog to follow. Long may your blog continue!

There's a link on my blogroll (in the right hand menu) though you have to scroll a way down to see it.
I only read one blog regularly: yours. I read it every day and I enjoy and absorb every word.
I link to you as well. :) Your Central line posts were excellent.
Alas, London Daily Photo, another blog on my short daily reading list, is on hiatus from earlier this month :(
I suspect the reason why blogrolls are disappearing is two fold:

1) the effort to update them
2) the fact that the majority of people simply don't use them!

When it comes to a webpage, people focus on the content area and tend to ignore a lot of the rest.
Am I the geographically the most distant one on list?
Sorry DG, but I've got so many links that I've got separate pages for them.

You're on my 'Personal' page - - 'cos I obviously couldn't include you among my Indonesia links.
Hi DG,

You've been on my blogroll for a few years now!


You are still in my blog-roll and have been since about 2007! ;)

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