please empty your brain below

Well mine's one of the "not a thrilling verbal discourse's" and seeing as my traffic probably wouldn't cause much of a draft on the motorway, and that I hadn't posted since June 1st, I had no right to be on the list... but you have been on my blogroll for a few years, so just thought I'd mention it... there are probably a load more hidden links out there.

dg - I can vouch that both 853 and The Greenwich Phantom still list you, becuase that's how I found you.

Just checked back and I last qualified for The List in 2007! Having read the comments from last year's list anyway (or was it '08), I see that if I'd renamed the blog "Chelley's London Teapot" back then it would've been more likely to spark a click or two. :D
Thanks for the links to explore.

Another you missed, though like Chelley's it doesn't direct much traffic your way (though I did notice one click on your link in my stats this week...)

Peter Cameron

You are on my blogroll but not I'm not on your list. For some reason, my blogroll doesn't show me when you update your pages...luckily I check you every day.

I think you are probably listed on loads of blogroll that don't appear on your list.

Hmmm, I think I might finally qualify this year (if what I have counts as a blogroll). Although given that my updates have drifted down to one a month and dull as dishwater I'm not sure how great an achievement that is.

My site's missing too, but it most likely me as I have been messing around with it like I do - Apart from last year I've been on your list since 2006! I'll be honest unless you are into gaming you are not missing anything :)

you've been on my list for a few years at least (i think that's a blogroll down the side, although i'm not entirely sure)

I took blogroll off my site to speed up page loading, along with a whole load of other ridiculous rubbish that had accumulated, like blogshares and that 'wiggly worm in the ecosystem' stuff.

I'm still around, DG, but now I've moved on to WordPress, I've got a separate page of links.

Anyway, good to have you still doing what you do so well.

You are on mine, have been for some time butt you missed me

Nope, I'm not there, but you are on the roll and have been for quite a while.

You've been on my blogroll for several years (and I've been in this list for a few years too), not sure what's happened to me. Though I'm another not-always-thrilling-verbal-discourse type :)

Now updated with the above, thanks.

It's not easy spotting all the blogs that link to yours. There's no magic button to press. Technorati used to be really helpful, but it's been useless since a relaunch last year.

Have I missed any more?

You're on this (and he posts daily).

dg writes: added, cheers

Wow! Thanks. I'm so glad I decided to catch up on the blog this week. Just in time it seems. :) Keep up the good work!

I always get some hits via your annual list, so thanks!

I'm not listed as well. Perhaps none of my 6 visitors a day have clicked your link? Sorry. I have been reading your blog since forever, thank you for it.

Gah, if I'd realised it was that time of year again, I would have written something more interesting!

I thought it must be time for this post to come around as it is the only time you show on my stats. ;)

Glad to see you passing through. Write on.

You've missed me off again!

dg writes: Sorry, the rollover blogroll catches me out every time.

[This post is now closed]


Hi DG, thanks as always for the shout out.
I got 6 clicks from your site!

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