please empty your brain below

I enjoyed this. It reminded me of 'Next Week's News' at the end of the radio programme 'Week Ending'; items that just might happen...
Politics died some years ago, murdered by that usurper public relations.
Well that just fits right in with the no e-mails on Thursdays then.
There are too many half-baked ideas in politics, some of them even make it into law!
Sorry ... am I the only one to see parallels with Thatcher's Three Day week? Or am I just missing the irony fairy / flag?
Thatcher's Three Day week? When was that?

I think that you mean Heath's three-day week. It was the 1970s, not the 1980s...
Couldn't we have Mondays off rather than Fridays? It would delay starting the week just a little bit longer.
It is that long since I had a pay rise, I have already had my 10% wage cut!
Hmmmm, the State I was living in a couple of years ago tried 4 day weeks (they made Monday-Thursday 2 hours longer to compensate for the lost 8 hours on Friday) in a money saving effort, and lo and behold, it didn't work!! People still couldn't get to the services they needed, and no money was saved! Lose all round! So they went back to normal again!
@popartist - it would delay *ending* the week!

Needless to say, the best idea is to take Wednesday off. Two weekends per week and never more than two days in the office in a row.
Agree with Simon. The Germans have the right idea when they call it "Mittwoch".

Next is to end the stupid idea that M-F should be the "working week" and that Sunday is somehow special.
Our company announced (local government) today, well a convoluted email doing the rounds, that the building (2000+ staff) we work in will not open on the Friday after Christmas (not a paid holiday the email said) and it doesn't really matter as not many of you would have been coming in anyway. Went on to say you can work from home, find another building etc. I might suggest they only open 4 days a week for good, saves a few bob in security and premises staff I guess.
Worst kind of trite... normally a fan, but this needs clearer thinking ...
@ Charles and Abe .. Argh, I meant Heath! It's funny how the name 'Thatcher'' just slips out in connection with new right / economic rationalist / loony right thinking. For some reason, when I think of Cameron, I tend to associate him mainly with wispy-washy popularism and Larry the Cat.
Not sure what the aim of this article is. Is it a not very funny comment about the practicalities of getting news out, or is it a bizarre political statement that may have been a possibility a couple of years ago at the height of the economic crisis but seems out of place today.

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