please empty your brain below

Slightly reluctantly, as I don't find him that impressive, even when placed alongside the low standards of his predecessor. But the others are more questionable or simply not up to it, so...
I'm voting for Mr Goldsmith; I've always voted Conservative and I don't plan on stopping.
Yes, I'll be voting for Zac
The only one with any sense.
At the moment, Zac seems to be the likely recipient of my second preference.

My first (and hopefully last) Tory vote ever.

I know I should be focussing on London, but I just can't bring myself to do anything that bolsters Jeremy Corbyn's position.
Interesting to see how different the political make-up of DG commenters is to that of the electorate at large ...
2nd preference - very begrudgingly.

As my MP, its interesting that his Mayoral campaign tactics are so at odds to how he campaigned locally.

Lovely guy (personally), what a dreadful shame how the machinery of the 'big party' PR has turned him into a dreadful candidate.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was ashamed of his own campaign.

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