please empty your brain below

TfL have form here. The much longer (4 miles) diversion of the 65 during August was similarly poorly advertised, along with its free replacements (565 and 572, one either side of the hole in the road)
I wonder if the introduction of the 563 is a late decision as opposed to being left off the handout.

I also wonder if administratively it sits in the rail replacement silo (as a link for Overground passengers to Upper Holloway) or the bus replacement silo to cover the diversion.
I would suggest that that "rather disturbing-looking tanker from a 'Suction Excavation Hire Service'" is probably one of those new fangled machines for digging up cables without using jach-hammers or picks and shovels! The "excavation", or rather loosening is done by a high pressure air lance and the removal is by a similarly high-powered suction tube. The machines appear to be based on road sweeping lorries. Brilliant idea, but can be very noisy!
Beautiful railway bridge of the Holloway
Alas! I am very sorry to say
That five bus routes have been taken away
Sayeth DG of a sabbath day of 2016
Which will be remember'd for a very long time.

Oh! Ill-fated route of the 563
Condemned to run in secrecy
But lo! The blog of Diamond Gee
zer has revealed your number
Which will be in use until
The Goblin is released from slumber.
In the meantime TfL are running a marvellous free community service - a bus running up and down a road stopping at bus stops and DG is still never happy.
This could be a deliberate ploy. If the diverted buses are taking so long, passengers might twig that it's quicker to change to the 563 and then change back to their original route at the other end. Being just a single decker, the 563 is aimed at local people, who will probably soon learn about it.
And as the 563 is free, there is no need to touch in so you can use a Hopper "free go" on the continuation once you are past the gap
Maybe the "secrecy" could be explained if the 563 was a very late, last-minute addition to the plans. TfL probably only thought of it after the leaflets, posters, etc. had already been printed. If so, well done everyone involved in getting the route up and running in such short notice! (Can you imagine a TOC introducing a brand new service in only a week or so after first thinking of it?)

BTW talking of obscure bus routes, TfL is thinking of withdrawing the 931 Mobility Bus in 2017. A couple of weeks ago, there was even a TfL representative on the bus, chatting to passengers, asking them if they'd thought about the advantages of switching to Dial-a-Ride instead. If DG wants to blog a London bus route with so few passengers the driver knows them all by name, he's only got a few months left to do it. (Hint, hint)
How did they find people to volunteer to stand around giving travel advice?
It wasnt any different when they introduced the 508 as you found out when you did the route along from Stratford International to Wanstead Park Station
solar penguin - TOCs (well at least Northern) can do this even creating a new station
Your note “Sorry, I may be over-hyping this”

Reminds me of the time I heard two people talking, the one talked on and on about the inconvenience to his life about the new railway timetable. After more than 20 minutes, he asked the other person, how’s your life, he replied, my son just died. There was a very long silence.

I have never ever forgotten that even after 38 years.
@Mark - Wow! That's impressive.
@solar pengun's comment made me look at the current Tfl consultations.

Interesting to see they are already planning bus route changes because of the arrival of Crossrail and getting rid of duplication post the arrival of hopper tickets.

Having been affected by a recent proposed bus route change I find it interesting how rare it is to see proposal details at bus stops / on buses. It's as if they don't comments!
Standing at a bus stop in deepest south London and there's a scrolling message on the Countdown display letting everyone know about the 563's existence...
@ Ed - there are companies that are able to provide staff to do that travel info role. TfL will probably have some form of "call off" contract. TfL also have similar arrangements for emergency bus routes for tube strike cover. They will also have a fast track process to procure routes like the 563.

@ ap - TfL have posted info sheets in the bus timetable boxes for some recent consultations. I've seen them for the 167 and W11. Unfortunately they don't put info in the vehicles themselves which means that people on the Hail and Ride section of the W11 were probably blissfully unaware of the consultation. The Hail and Ride section also happens to generate the highest number of passengers. Can't wait to see their reaction when the route (inevitably) changes in March next year.
Thank God it wasn't supposed to stop at Bus Stop M
There is a Bus Stop M at the Nag's Head, but the 563 only serves Bus Stop L on the opposite side of the road.
I love posts like this. Please don't ever change, unless it's by your choice.
There are two Stop Ls and two Stop Us though.
Yesterday there was an even more secret bus at bus stop M outside Bruce Castle
It was painted khaki so it wouldn't stand out (in the Somme valley in 1914).
>> imagine a TOC introducing a brand new service in only a week or so after first thinking of it?)

In England, outside London, a new bus service has to give eight weeks notice to the Traffic Commissioners.

Unless, like the 563, it's free.
The 563 also isn't mentioned in this TfL press release from last Thursday.

Secret bus.
"bridge whcih should stand for (only) 120 years"?! ...typical modern day 'workmanship'. Probably means it'll have 'issues' in around 50 years time.
Michael - how sad is that.

The things you hear on buses!
Great public service post this - just knocked at least 20 minutes off my commute - thanks!
Now why on earth have TfL not created s role of "implementation validator: special projects" and put DG in charge?
Tfl are now doing frequent Twitter alerts regarding this bus :)
Ah good, the 563 free shuttle bus is now mentioned on the Upper Holloway Bridge Travel Advice webpage.
The 563 is now on Countdown:

The displays at the bus stop also now show this bus.

They now ask you to touch in on boarding but assure me that it is still free.

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