please empty your brain below

I was going to question if there were any estates in Tottenham at the time, but it appears they started building one in 1904!

Gulp! From the 1st Television edition of the RT:

"Walls Made of Asbestos

It's a big place, this studio. If you have a tape-measure eye you say to yourself Why, this measures seventy feet by thirty, and it is, unless
my estimating faculty has forsaken me, some twenty-five feet high '.
The walls attract your attention. They look as if they are made of breeze blocks. But you touch them and know better. An asbestos compound, of course. Just the stuff for absorbing sound. "

Actually the 405 line system TV pictures were quite good. The system closed down in the UK during the first part of the 1980's so many people reading your blog will have watched 405 line TV. 405 line did not flicker any more than a CRT 625 line TV, commonly used until LCD's and Plasma screens recently took over.
The Baird system (which won the toss for the first transmission did suffer from flicker, but the EMI 405 line system was the one regarded as the "high definition" of its time.
Maybe if the BBC had gone to Crystal Palace and they had good security and safety the place might not have burnt down!

Trevor from Kilmarnock takes me to task...

Although generally correct, I still am disheartened that the facts are incorrect, for example "it was anything but high definition by current standards - a flickering black and white display". 405 certainly is not flickery!
The Baird system also has gained 40 lines, I wish people checked their facts before putting pen to paper or publishing on the internet.

Trevor is quite correct about Baird's lines being 240, not 280. I have now amended my egregious error. Dave then continues...

Ah, but the opening broadcast was first in the (as you say, 240-line) Baird system, which would have been flickery - as demonstrated by Mike Barker's excellent demonstration of his restored dual-standard (240/405) set at BVWS events. At least it wasn't (as is so often the case) described as "grainy"!

...and Trevor concedes...

True enough Dave, and yes indeed the 240 line system was flickery...
What should have been said was that 405 was far superior and was not subject to flicker.

Lesson learned: always take care when stepping into the world of the technical.

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At last I found someone else who is fascinated by Adele singing that television song! Thanks for posting

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