please empty your brain below

Just one guess each, by order of HM Forces.
10. MARY

16. Yorkshire town?
We're asking the questions, Frank.
1 mar
15 a
11) Ra
2 - MAY
12. Yam
3. Ma
4. Myra
5. Arm
6. ray
We can't go off duty until you've got 7 8 9 13 and 14.
9. Army

(I tried Alan Titchmarsh and Charlie Dimmock but that didn't work.)
8. Ram
I know 7 8 13 and 14 but don't want to risk having to appear before a Court Martial for breach of regulations
Nobody likes a showoff, Frank.
7 Amy
13 Ayr
Are we really still missing 14? My word.
14. My
You took your time to complete that very simple exercise. More effort required.

But that's the lot!
Answers as follows...

1) mar
2) May
3) ma
4) Myra
5) arm
6) ray
7) Amy
8) ram
9) army
10) Mary
11) Ra
12) yam
13) Ayr
14) my
15) a
Where’s Major Hugh Jampton when he’s needed? Is the Cpl his stand-in?

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