please empty your brain below

No answers, thanks.

I looked at it, re read the rules and thought, computer says no.

Gave it 5 mins and gave up.


The first one took a couple of minutes. I'll try the second one later.

Actually I just worked out how to do the first one by ticking all the boxes I cant use.

First one: about 30 seconds

Second one: Impossible :S

Not too hard - the key is to start from whichever is the *most* constrained column or row. Not giving too much away here, but for the second puzzle, that's the 5th column - there's only two possiblities for a tick there. From that, you work forwards, and you'll end up with only half a dozen avenues to explore.

Help ... both took less than a minute. I'm clearly spending too much time doing Sudoku.

Done. Reminds me a little too much of Minesweeper for my liking. Used to be addicted to that, dreaming about ticks and bombs... So, when's the next puzzle dg? By the way, are these puzzles possible without using paper to keep track?

Did the first one after about two experiments. Tried the second one, but started getting that sick feeling you get when you turn over the paper in an exam and it's all a lot harder than you were expecting.

Or indeed from an entirely different exam that you know absolutely nothing about.

Been too busy eating crisps to do this.

Passed them to my quiz-and-puzzle machine (mum) and she did the first one in about 20 minutes and the second in about the same time.

Some hints to the answer here and here.

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