please empty your brain below

Thanks for the link, DG, it's much appreciated. Moor Park is a bizarre place.

Somebody wrote to me a while ago telling me that the security cameras log the time of entry and exit of every single car in the estate, and that two traffic officers are employed to catch and turn back 'non-residential' drivers.

I'm amazed that they haven't tried to get the tube station closed down.

Upon checking the streetmap I realise that I have once been there in an incongruous old banger to visit a local 'establishment'. My arrival provoked a full scale security alert, especially as I drove blithely past the fluorothugs on the gate and proceeded [ the wrong way ] into the golf club - which was not my destination [or my destiny I hope]. After extensive questioning I was allowed to go. I loved seeing the expression on their faces when I opened my mouth to talk in my best public school accent [fake], totally incongruous with their likely expectation that I was a joyriding crackfiend on a fundraising field trip.

Philosophical question: Why do the trappings of wealth look so attractive when the lifestyle itself looks dead boring?

That's easy: wealth gives freedom to do what you want.
Or at least that's the illusion.

Lol some size of country halt!

I live five minutes (drive) away from Moor Park and your description was spot on although it is worth mentioning that also located in Moor Park is also home to Merchant Taylors’ £11K pa private school. I find it interesting that Moor Park, surely one of the wealthiest areas of Hertfordshire, is located a couple of fields and a road away from the second most deprived ward in Hertfordshire. I live in the neighbouring third most deprived ward and frankly it was insulting of the Conservative Party to put up a candidate that lived in Moor Park in the recent local elections. Obviously he did not win.

I sometimes drive to the station at Moor Park (although my first attempt resulted in me accidentally driving on to one of the golf courses!) and I can confirm that sometimes the number plate cameras get my number plate wrong and that I have never been invited to leave. Saying that, my car is only 4 years old so maybe I am “OK”.

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