please empty your brain below

Did you get anything good in exchange for yours though?

... I've finished writing now.
Question answered.

And an excellent succession of books giving a rollercoaster ride worthy of either Banks or Crichton.

Both good books, IMHO, though I seem to remember you didn't care for "Dead Air".

Blimey, you London lot are mad

jurassic park is a good book. i don't know why but it is. so is the lost world.

Hey - I wish I knew what you looked like because I am sure I have taken your picture (although haven't posted it) judging by the picture you have posted here (cos I can see me).

Up until now this flashmob lark has seemed fun but pointless, something I'd gladly read about, chuckle over and then forget. I'd never have considered going along.

This is completely different though. How brilliant does that sound? Think I'd really have enjoyed it.

But what about the poor swines who went home with the books that no-one else wanted?

Someone must have ended up with them....

Guess they just left them on the tube. Guess the cleaners had lots of extra litter to clear out last night.

I'm intrigued - once people got a good book, did they hide it under their coat to stop anyone wanting to swap again?

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